Hope comes when you believe. Peace comes when you believe. Joy comes when you believe. Just say out loud that “I believe”. Such power in that one statement. In those two words. So simple yet so strong. It moves mountains. It shapes one’s destiny. It dispels the darkness. It lifts spirits and changes the atmosphere. God is a God of hope. Many feel hopeless today. As we embark on a new year, let this mind be in you that you believe. God gives us hope. He promised Jeremiah that he has a hope and a future and that same thing can be applied to us. We must live up to what we profess as believers. There is always a way to be made. God is always making a way for us. He has hope for you. Let that hope fill you with His joy and His peace.
Rise up o’ faithful one
Believe in your heart
Don’t look back
Move forward
Until the hour of hope
Comes mightily
Poem by TheRedInkSpot