My mind seems to always be at work. Busy, busy, busy. Especially when it comes to my new job responsibilities. Lately I have been feeling nervous about missing something crucial because I strive to perform my job with excellence. I don’t want to let my team members down. Along with that I was dealing with a cold, a strain in my chest, lump in my throat, stomach and back pain from something I consumed and through it all I managed to stay afloat. I owe it all to Jesus.
I also was thinking about my doctor appointment, the wellbeing of my mom, my son, other family and friends. I did feel anxious at times to be honest, not about everything it was mostly work. The word comes to me to not be anxious but pray. That is what I kept doing when I would have those feelings. As I talked to the Lord about things that troubled me, I started to feel His peace. Jesus said that He gave us His peace.
Even when my confidence is shaky in my abilities, I put my trust in the Lord. He is faithful and helps me. I thank God for bringing His word to my mind. I know that all is well, all is whole, all is in God’s hands. These are the messages I hear from His Spirit and I choose to believe.
Pain exists but for a moment
It is a fleeting feeling
Taken by surprise my weakness
Falling under control of your strength
Engulfed in troubles
I look to the promise
Of the fiery presence of God
To drive out the sorrow
Peace arrives in my soul
Poem By TheRedInkSpot
Good reminder to come to Him with everything. Love this quote, “Even when my confidence is shaky in my abilities, I put my trust in the Lord.” I choose this by faith. Thanks for posting.