There is a victory in this passage of scripture when it says with God all things are possible. All things? Yes, all. I have grappled with this concept. I thought like the disciples, can I really obtain salvation? Can I live in a way where I am a part of that glorious church that is without spot, blemish or wrinkle? I would look at myself and think there is no way this is possible. I err time and time again.
My shortcomings, my stinkin’ attitude, my selfishness, my fear in my forefront would leave a sense of dismay but God reminds me that I am His project. He is the potter and I am the clay. He is molding and shaping my character. I have the mind of Christ and His Holy Spirit lives within me. My job is to surrender. Just let Him have all control. Submit my will to His will.
God brings to my mind that Jesus will present His glorious church. Jesus will have that church, that bride that is adorned in His beautiful holiness. If the word of God says this will be, then by golly we will make up that church. This is my declaration! Is it yours too?
When I let go of the anxiety, my heart takes courage knowing I will be holy, clean, pure, and filled with the glory of God. The peace of God calms my spirit. Jesus went this way before us. His life was a picture of holiness. The same Spirit that dwelled in Him also dwells in me. Yes! All things are possible with God!
Growing into my destiny
The countenance of the Lord
Lifting towards me
In sync with His favor
The law of sin and death
Cannot reign
Looking to my King
He stables my footing
Life is now come
Sing oh my heart
The struggle is gone
Committed Christian
Delight in lot of my life
Farewell natural man
Open to the hand of God
The despair is naught
I listen intently to your voice
Be still my heart
Poem by TheRedInkSpot