There is just something about being in the presence of God. He is everywhere but when you are conscious of His presence it changes how you live. He is to be revered. Nothing can stand in the way of God. Just like the earth and heavens, it all shutters in His presence.
We know that God is beyond our capacity. He is beyond us in all ways. Yet, He makes His presence known. He makes it so we can touch, hear, feel and receive Him in all of His glory. Just like is says in Psalm 16:11, in Thy presence is fullness of joy. Just reading that brings an earnest desire to be in the presence of the Almighty. Who does not want to experience joy to its fullest. Joy gives us strength. Strength to endure. Life has many things to endure and knowing that the presence of God aids in that endurance is fragrant. It sweetens the soul.
The life we hold can be filled with the presence of God if we allow ourselves to be aware of it. It profits us to maintain the relationship we have we God. He is involved intimately in all He has created. That is the beauty knowing that God is there and He cares.
Getting whispers of Your essence
Your presence cannot be contained
Yet it is all about
In the cradle of your love
The children can sing
Your goodness extensively surrounding
There you are, we know
Known is Your presence
Poem By TheRedInkSpot