It seems like more than ever there is a blurring of lines between what is right and what is wrong. The light is becoming dim. There must be a standard. Living a holy life is not an option. The Light we have inside should be easy to see by those who are in darkness. It is not to say that we may slip or stumble. In other words, miss it from time to time; however, there should be no desire for sinful things. We are a new creation and we have a new life. Former things has passed away.
Our heart should be for the things of God. We should actively seek those things. The word says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. What are the things that are right? It is the standard that Jesus set before us. He lived a holy life. He was clean, sinless, blameless. We should model our life after His life.
Some people may say that Jesus hung out with sinners. Well let us not use that jargon. Hung out? It makes it seem like Jesus was having a friendship and participating in sin. We all know that He did not involve Himself in sinful pleasures. He did talk with sinners but the purpose was to bring light. He ministered to those that walked in darkness so they could experience a new life. There was a transformation of heart. Lives were changed. He impacted those around Him. He was not impacted by His environment into sinning.
We must be wise with our associations. It is so easy for us to compromise and start to allow sinful practices into our life. We have to be on guard. God even warned the Israelites to not be amongst the heathen. Do not get it wrong. We do have live among ungodly people. We should not turn our noses up on people that are not born again. We are called to love them. We have to live a life where people see Jesus and are drawn to Him. They should be craving what we have and not the other way around.
It may be time to search yourself and see where your heart lies? Is it for the things of God or things of the world?
Stick like a sore thumb
Things of this world growing numb
I am ignorant and even dumb
I like it that way
Not keeping up with what is in play
In your Light I will stay
Looking for what is
Pleasing to God for I am His
Unholy desires gone and whiz
Away from my heart
Determined to be set apart
For Your use and Your art
Day by day a change
Your will for my will exchanged
All around me grows strange
Poem By TheRedInkSpot