Affirmative! Look at what Jesus has done. Jesus is the High Priest forever. God had sworn by it. He made an oath that cannot be broken. Jesus is the mediator. He is the go-between God and man. His sacrifice remains intact. But let’s rewind.
It’s that time again. Every year at the Day of Atonement sacrifices had to be offered as penance for the nation of Israel’s sins. Sacrifice upon sacrifice upon sacrifice. Goats, lambs, grain, birds. Year after year after year. Doesn’t that sound exasperating? The priest had to make sure they were in right standing too or they would expire. All the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed. Whew, just thinking about that sound draining.
Now Jesus steps in and takes all that work away. We owe our life to Him. His blood is just as powerful today as the day of Calvary. He intercedes on our behalf. Isn’t that comforting?! Jesus is praying for us. Think about that and get excited!
Priestly garments surrounding
The throne room
Cleansing waters thrashing
Man of holiness
With folded hands they bow
Gratitude of penitence
Removed in its final hour
The Anointed One
Lifted beyond the veil
Redeemer has won
Ending the cycle
God and man united
In splendid power
Poem by TheRedInkSpot