This mindset keeps us from trying to be men pleasers. The Lord is the only one we want to please. We get our validation from Him. At least that is where we should get our validation. This keeps us from feeling unaccomplished. As long as we are pleasing Him, we are living out our purpose.
Even if it is a job that we do not like or downright feel we despise. It can be particularly hard for us to do our job as until the Lord. If we change our attitude toward it, we can enjoy our day and be a testimony. Be an example to someone else on how to conduct ourselves. On how to live this Christian life. We are representatives. We are ambassadors. Our mission to be a light.
This way of life keeps us honest. We know that God sees all and knows all. It will keep us on our tippy-toes. Don’t you want to hear the Lord say well done, good and faithful servant?
My heart, my heart
Seen by you
Known by you
Time whisked away
Feeding the scene
Play by play
Living open
From the true book
The Word expressed
Poem by the TheRedInkSpot
Wonderful reminder!