These would be the words that I want to be able to say at the end of my lifetime. Especially that last part about keeping the faith. We must persist and endure. Persist through all the challenges that seem to sneak up on us. Endure till we see the finish line. There is much to be learned when struggles come. There is growth that happens. It makes me think of a caterpillar. The insect creates a home for itself to develop into an adult. The changes that take place inside are vital. The little creature pushes, pulls and squirms its way out of the cocoon. Over time, through this process at the right time, a beautiful butterfly emerges. Full of color and vitality. It was worth it all. The strain, the pressure. It makes me think of the verse in Job that says that I will come forth as gold.
I feel like the coming days will be testing time for us. The days are growing eviler as depraved minds are ruling the earth. Man has turned its back on God. They have shut Him out of everything. This makes way for the enemy’s camp to take residence in the hearts of men. This is a time to gird up our loins. Anchor in the word of God and commune often with the Spirit of God. Keep the armor of God on at all times. Keep running and don’t stop because we can make it until we see Jesus bust open the sky.
Go where you need to go
Do what you need to do
Keep striving
Keep thriving
We will come out on top
As long we keep God at the top
Keep sowing
Keep growing
Our destiny awaits
Poem By TheRedInkSpot