Propitiation, now that is a word, we don’t hear every day. He being Jesus is the propitiation. What exactly does that mean? A similar word for propitiate is to atone. Jesus was the sacrifice that atones for our sins. He helps us to make peace with God the Father.
In the same way Jesus sacrificed his life. We too must sacrifice our life. We have to give up our will. The things we desire. The direction we want to take for our lives and follow what the Lord wants us to do. That can feel uncomfortable at times, but it is the best thing we can do.
Jesus made it possible for us to have relationship again with God the Father. He restored the relationship. He is the Advocate on our behalf. We can talk to God as Father because of Jesus.
Lavished down on me
Moments of goodness
A company of two
Sweet Communion
Graciously awaiting
My time spent with you
Poem by TheRedInkSpot