Ear, mentioned in the book of Revelation numerous times. Now this ear is not the ear of our physical anatomy but of the spirit. We have to ensure that our spiritual ear is not only hearing but heeding what the Spirit is saying. In the bible, there were depictions on different types of churches and the condition of each one. Let us have the condition of our ear be open to receive what the Lord desires for us to be and to know. It is preparation.
God never leaves his people in the dark. He oftentimes does not reveal everything to us but He will let us in on some things. Whenever He speaks we have to listen and obey. Our part is to make sure there is nothing preventing us from hearing Him. Unclog your ears and listen real close. Do not allow the voice of the deceiver to feed you lies and turn you in the wrong direction.
Draw near to the Lord. Develop your relationship with Him more and more each day. It will ensure that you are hearing the Spirit. Become intimate with Jesus.
Day travels on
With real intense stirrings
Carry me to dawn
Outflow cometh
The cesspool is open
The appeal awardeth
The Great I am speaks
The wind increasing
Sounds to the one that seeks
Poem by TheRedInkSpot
Whosoever. The option to hear…
God is very gracious. Thank you.
I love this poem! He does draw near when we draw near to Him. He does speak to the one who seeks. Praise the Lord. Thank you for posting!